Department of AdditIonal Sources of Energy, Government of Uttar Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh New & Renewable Energy Development Agency

Memorandum of Association and Society Rules




The address of the registered office of the society is Non conventional Energy Development Agency. U. P. B-46, Mahanagar Extension, Lucknow. Post Office-Lucknow, District - Lucknow- 226 006


The Head quarters of the society shall be situated at Lucknow. The area of operation of the society shall normally be the State of Uttar Pradesh but it may extend to other areas including State and Union Territories of Union of India for co-operation and collaboration in pursuit of its objects.


  • To act as agency for Govt. of Uttar Pradesh,The society (Agency) shall function in respect of schemes conducted in state, and shall make every effort to harness the results of Non- conventional energy in other parts of the country and else where for the benefit of the people of the State.
  • To formulate the implement project saimedat supplementing energy requirements of the State by harnessing solar energy, bio energy, wind energy and other renewable sources of energy including micro hydel.
  • To identify, formulate and implement schemes relating to energy plantations.
  • To sponsor,coordinate or promotere search programmes or projects of a developmentalnature involving development of prototypes,pilot plant investigations etc.In the area of new sources of alternate energy.
  • To take up demonstration programme in the field of Non-conventional energy sources in order create owareness and popularise the utility aspect of non-conventional energy systems among the people.
  • To Standerdise designs of renewable energy systems and provide consultancy services, and technical know how to the users,promotors and manufacturers of various systems and devices of renewable sources of energy and energy conservation.
  • To promote sales of equipment relating to alternate sources of energy by offering subsidy, marketing, publicity and such other support as may be found necessary.
  • To liaise with other Agencies in the country and / or abroad in the field of alternate sources of energy.
  • To co-operate and affiliate, if necessary, with other similar institutions, associations or bodies in India and abroad.
  • To advise the State Govt., Central Govt., Panchayats, Municipalities, Municipal Corporations andother local bodies and Semi Govt.agencies in the state and els where on all such matters pertaining to alternate energy resources, as may be reffered to it from time to time and to undertake on its own or in collabration or through some other arrangement with national or international agencies programme of research, application, extension and development of energy resources.
  • To under take or sponsor studies of environmental effect of energy generation, distribution and utilisation.
  • To sponsor or under take techno-economic and socio-economic feasibility studies or cost benefit analysis with respect to additional and renewable sources of energy.
  • To provide technical,financial or other assistance for the formulation of programmes, designs and projects meant for extension of alternate energy development programme in the state.
  • To formulate and implement a broad based energy conservation programme including the scope for conservation of energy at the source of generation,at the state of distribution and/or consumption.
  • To take specia lstepst of osteramong the people the concept of utilisation of alternate sources of energy as a part of their life and envoronment.
  • To take advice and help of scientists,technologists and sucho ther persons who have expertise in the field of non-conventional energy,for the promotion and development of non-conventional energy systems.
  • To develop and support centres of documentation, service, maintenance and supply of data including patent literature, current status reports etc. in the area of energy management and publish results on alternate sources of energy.
  • To acquire by gift, purchase, exchange, lease, hire or other wise any property movable or immovable and to construct,improve,alter,demolishorre pair buildings works and constructions as may be necessary or convenient for carrying of the society.
  • To accept donations, grants, contributions or financial assistance from governmental, quasi governmental or provate institutions, persons or any other sources with a view to fulfill all or any of the above objects.
  • To cooperate with any other body or persons as may be decided by the executive Commitee.
  • To do all sucho ro ther things as may be Incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects.