Department of AdditIonal Sources of Energy, Government of Uttar Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh New & Renewable Energy Development Agency

National Biogas Fertilizer Management Program

Under this scheme, like Dinbndhu, KVIC or installation of permissible prefabricated biogas plants, domestic fuel supply, lighting and for the production of organic fertilizer for construction of family-size biogas plants of 2 to 6 cu. m. efficiency is being made by UPINEDA from additional financial year 2010-11 of Rural Development Department and KVIC as per design and drawing approved by the ministry. As part of Central grants of Rs .9000 / - to the beneficiaries of General Category and Rs. 11000/- to the beneficiaries of Scheduled Caste is being provided, rest cost is borne by the beneficiary. Cost of 2 cubic meters capacity bio gas plants is around Rs. 22,000 / - per plant and Cocking food for 5 persons both the time and lightening for 4 to 5 hours per day from 1 lamp can be done from the plant and will get 6 tons high-quality organic fertilizer par year, the plant will provide equivalent energy of around 18 LPG cylinders per year.